Douglas Ng

Entrepreneur . Urban Farmer . Kampung Kid . Life Adventurer . Geek

Adventures and Recipes for Life:



Adult Education and Training, Consultants, Coaches, Professional and Personal Development, Entrepreneurial Services


Adult Education and Training, Consultants, Coaches, Professional and Personal Development, Entrepreneurial Services


Working with people to recognize, acknowledge and utilize their unique talents to create sustainable, recurring high-impact outcomes in their lives.


Solopreneurs and Individuals who are committed to playing a bigger and more meaningful game in their lives, and living to their fullest potential. They want to make their time on this planet count for something.


Understand how they are wired cognitively, how they show up in the world, and what motivates them. This allows them to position themselves in a powerful and unique manner and helps them to optimise their investment of time and resources in their endeavours to create maximum results.


Despite being at the forefront of the internet world, I was stuck in a monotonous routine that seemed to have no purpose. The constant repetition of daily tasks left me feeling trapped as if I was just going through the motions to meet society's expectations. The pressure to conform and follow the path that everyone else was on, to simply earn a living and settle for a mediocre existence, gave me a sense of hopelessness.

Is there more to life than this?


The turning point happened at a program I attended in 2008 by accident, which led me through a profound period of challenges and growth lasting 15 years.

Now I know that there is a different way to face this adventure called life. I choose and design the games I want to play, how I want to play them, and with whom I want to play. That I set my own rules and the outcomes I want to create.


Recognising and then breaking free of all the boxes that I had been put into in my life, and acknowledging what didn't work.

Letting go of the familiar, identifying the limits of my reality box and getting out of my comfort zone.

And now, knowing that I am given one chance in this adventure called life, and I am already in the game. I can't turn back the clock to do things differently, but I can create the future.

Time is a commodity I cannot replace and continues to flow regardless of what I do.


The environment will always box me in. 

And the choices I make create the outcomes that I get in my life. There will always be consequences.

I need to create my adventure, for as long as I do not define it and decide to play that game, I will be playing someone else's game according to their rules.

As long as I do not design the game I want to play, I will not be maximizing my mastery.

As long as I delay playing my own game, the fewer time units I have left as a resource to create what only I can create in this lifetime.

These are choices I need to make.


Struggles are opportunities to grow. Mistakes are opportunities to correct and get better. 

At any point in time, I can only do my best. And I can do better. I can learn, and I can grow. That makes me unstoppable.

Life is about making mistakes and getting clearer about the journey to where I want to go.

My greatest resource is my experience, which is both the sum of all my struggles and victories.


Visualizing the future and how the dots can connect.  I am a strategist and a relator. What excites me are the possibilities of the future and what we can create today to get to that future.

Today, I work with people to discover their strengths, using a framework called the Strengths Quotient® and to discover their Ikigai Zone in an ever-changing, evolving world. And in that chaos, to find order and balance.


Working with individuals and gigepreneurs to get clear on where they want to go, and to discover their Ikigai Zone, utilising a framework called the Strengths Quotient®.


I see that my significance is simply me being the best of who I already am in this lifetime. My job is to get absolutely clear of my Unique Position of Strength that I can play from.

My value comes from who I am and the sum of my life.

And on the side, I am just a kampung kid at heart.


A community of individuals who can create a high-value impact on the world (and soon, the universe) with their unique talents to create the world that we want to see, a world that works for everyone.


I have a choice in the world I want to create, and that future starts with the choices I make today. 


Tribes who thrive in an everyone matters world.

Strengths Quotient Institute


tribefii™ Social Connect: Your Digital Connection
Influence and Inspire